Rumblefish Hosts Music Administration Sessions at MONDO

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

New York, NY (October 12, 2021) – HFA’s Rumblefish, a leading provider of rights administration services for the music industry, is pleased to announce it will be hosting a series of live, virtual appointments at The Mondo.NYC 2021 Conference. At the sessions, Rumblefish will meet one-on-one with interested music tech companies to answer questions about music administration. The Mondo.NYC is an annual music, arts and technology conference and showcase festival presented as a virtual event and live stream around the world from October 12 – 15, 2021.

Rumblefish looks forward to speaking with companies that have a vision for a new music-related offering or expanding their current music offerings. Rumblefish’s corporate group has more than 90 years of music rights experience, deep relationships with the publishing community, and offers rights management assistance to today’s innovative music distributors. Our clients include premier streaming services, music distributors, tablature and lyrics companies, labels, fitness and other apps, background music companies, karaoke, AR/VR, online video services and more.

“Music rights administration is complex,” says Lauren Apolito, SVP of Strategy and Business Development at Rumblefish. “We are glad to offer these sessions and to be a resource for music licensing, data and royalty administration needs.”

To learn more about the sessions, please visit HFA Rumblefish Rights & Admin Sessions | Mondo.

About Mondo.NYC:

Mondo.NYC is a festival and global business summit of music and tech industry insiders and innovators, emerging artists and their fans. Mondo connects fans and creators in a shared mission of empowering artists and advancing ideas in an ever-changing music business and technology landscape.

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